There are no simple answers when it comes to designing flexible workplaces or deciding how and when people work. Do you know why? Everyone is different and so are our businesses. Heard of the phrase – “same same but different”. Well that is exactly what it is.
Instead here are a few things to consider:
- whatever you decide to do, have your team involved in the conversation from the get go. Find out their needs and constraints.
- you set the parameters of what is possible and what isn’t. You don’t have to agree with an employee’s proposal if it is not going to practically work. e.g. someone has be at the office to answer the phones or meet people at the front door from 8.00am to 5.00pm.
- it could be hard for you and others to trust that the work is being done if you are use to seeing people in the office 8-5, Monday to Friday. Your virtual office and workflow management systems are important to building trust. How are you going to measure work outputs and quality without having to micro-manage?
- whatever hours are agreed get it in writing and review it frequently – fortnightly at first and then monthly for six months before making any more major changes
- keep connected with your team and lead the way you want to see others working. e.g. have an open door zoom session for anyone to drop into or when you are having your afternoon slump pick up the phone and call a team member for a chat about anything
I have been working remotely and flexible hours for almost 5 years. It has been a journey to find out what works and what doesn’t. I am still tweaking things too. When you are embarking on this transition to flexible and remote working, let me know, I’d be happy to share my expertise and insights with you.
When you are ready to find out more – book in a time to ask me your questions.